Touch Vol 20 Manga French
Touch is a Japanese high school baseball manga series written and illustrated by Mitsuru Adachi. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Sh?nen Sunday from 1981 to 1986, with its chapters were collected into 26 tank?bon volumes. Touch follows twin brothers Tatsuya and Kazuya Uesugi, along with their childhood friend and nextdoor neighbor Minami Asakura. Tatsuya, a naturally gifted athlete whose raw skills exceeds Kazuya's, has always allowed his hard-working younger brother to take the spotlight, but as the two of them near high school with Minami, Tatsuya realizes that perhaps he does not want to lose Minami to his brother after all. When Kazuya is struck in a traffic accident on the morning before the final game of the regional tournament, Tatsuya takes over his brother's position of ace pitcher, and utilizes his natural talent to complete his younger brother's goal of fulfilling Minami's dream of going to the Koshien. Vol 20