The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Vol 1 Manga English
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords is a manga series based on the popular video game series "The Legend of Zelda." This manga adaptation was created by Akira Himekawa, a pseudonym for the collaborative work of two manga artists, A. Honda and S. Nagano. The manga series was serialized in the Japanese manga magazine "Manga Mania" (CoroCoro Comic) and was later compiled into a single volume.
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords manga follows the adventures of Link as he embarks on a quest to rescue Princess Zelda and thwart the evil plans of the villainous sorcerer Vaati. Like the game, the manga incorporates the concept of splitting Link into multiple copies, each with different personalities and abilities, which is central to the gameplay in "The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords." The story combines elements of action, adventure, and fantasy that are characteristic of the video game series.